41st Annual Pig Roast

41st Annual Pig Roast

















The Annual Pig Roast: 41 Years of Tradition & Community
In 1975, as the foundation of the Danny Woo Community Garden was being laid, Uncle Bob Santos concocted the brilliant idea to construct a roasting pit in the center of the garden. Prior to building the garden, Uncle Bob would host an annual pig roast for friends, family, and community members in his own backyard. With the sparkly, new roasting pit at the Danny Woo Community Garden, InterIm CDA hosted their first Pig Roast on July 18th & 19th, 1975. 41 years later, the tradition lives on…Hosted every 3rd Friday of July, this event is truly community centered. Gardeners, neighbors, staff, and long-time members of the C/ID clamor around the locally grown pig to share stories and food over a roaring fire. The event begins Friday evening, when the pig is prepped and mounted onto the spit. For the next 12-15 hours, through the wee hours of the night and into Saturday morning, volunteers take shifts rotating the pig over the fire.The 2016 Pig Roast will begin Friday, July 15th at 6 PM. After opening remarks, pig rotating shifts will begin. We will have food and drinks available for volunteers and attendees. The community celebration commences the next day, Saturday, July 16th at 12 PM. This is a potluck lunch, so please bring a dish to share. Volunteers are needed for Friday’s event, overnight pig roasting, and Saturday’s community gathering. Scroll down to sign up for a volunteer shift.The Annual Pig Roast is hosted by InterIm CDA, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with over 45 years of social justice work rooted in Chinatown/International District. The event will occur at the Danny Woo Community Garden: 620 S. Main St., Seattle, WA 98104.

1975年,由於胡進培社區花園(Danny Woo Community Garden)基金會的解散,鮑伯‧桑托斯先生決定要重新賦予花園美麗的風采—在花園中心點興建一個燒烤坑。在那之前,鮑伯大叔已經在自家的庭院中舉辦了多次的烤豬慶典,並邀請朋友、家人以及社區民眾,一起來體驗這獨特的亞洲飲食文化。在胡進培花園的燒烤坑落成後,這閃閃發光的新設施促使InterIm CDA機構與鮑伯大叔,一起擴大舉辦這個趣味豐饒的慶典活動。第一屆烤豬活動始於1975年的七月十八與十九兩日,四十一年後,這個傳統仍然延續不歇…。每年七月的第三個周五,這個以國際社區為中心的活動,邀請了社區居民、園丁、非營利組織夥伴,以及眾多熱情民眾,一同燒烤一隻由當地養殖的大豬。由每個周五晚上起火,至隔日中午,長達12-15小時的燒烤過程中,總是不乏歡笑與各種民間故事、傳統文化的分享。伴隨著熊熊溝火,世代智慧的傳承,也透過這極具文化意義的慶典給保存了下來。當夜,我們也邀請志工與我們一同值班守夜,確保烤豬的火侯與美味。2016年的烤豬盛典從7月15日周五的下午六點開始。在開幕儀式後,烤豬便會開始上架旋轉翻烤,InterIm CDA也會提供美食與飲料給所有參與者與志工。7月16日周六,切豬大典以及系列的社區活動會不斷電延續至中午12點。周六中午則有一人一菜的聚會活動,歡迎各屆民眾攜帶一到家常菜來與其他民眾分享。我們也誠摯邀請有活力的志工一同參與,從周五晚間的活動,烤豬值夜到周六的社區活動,都需要您的一同加入。各種工作詳見下方報名表。備註:年度烤豬慶典由InterIm CDA舉辦,該機構是一間501(C)3的非營利組織,在中國城/國際區中深度耕耘社會工作長達45年。本活動將於由於胡進培社區花園(Danny Woo Community Garden)舉辦,地址是: 620 S. Main St., Seattle, WA 98104.​

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Uncle Bob Santos: Activist, InterIm CDA co-founder, unofficial mayor of the C/ID, and master pig roaster!

The Annual Pig Roast is truly an inter-generational celebration!

The Pig Roast isn’t just a celebration, but a reunion for old friends and members of the C/ID to reconnect.

The heart of the celebration: our roasting pit!

The community always turns out to share food and stories on day 2 of the pig roast.

July 15, 1995: the InterIm CDA crew from the 20th Annual Pig Roast!

Hosted in the height of summer, gardeners find solace under the apple trees as they enjoy freshly roasted pig.

Food, food, food galore!

Prepping the pit for a long night of roasting.

Volunteer at the Pig Roast
The Pig Roast has  been a thriving community event for over 40 years thanks to the support and energy of volunteers! Roles include helping with set up or clean up, rotating the pig for a 3-hour shift, and other miscellaneous day-of event support. For more information: volunteers@interimicda.org

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